Pre-2017 Global Evangelistic Ministries Mission Trips
South Africa 2016-07
I had the privilege of ministering with the Baptist Union of Southern Africa from July 16 to July 31, 2016 in Cape Town and Johannesburg. The highlight was preaching five times at the Blomvlei Road Baptist Church in Cape Town and four messages at combined church services in Johannesburg. I also shared the Gospel in schools and in a police base. We saw 550 people pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. View Documented Decisions.
Kenya 2016-03
We shared the Gospel in the public schools in Nakuru from March 5 to March 11, 2016 working in partnership with Scripture Union and the Gideons. We had 24,290 pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in Nakuru. We distributed 10,000 Gideon Bibles. What a blessing!
From March 13 to March 18, 2016 we shared the Gospel in the public schools in Kakamega County. We were blessed to see 35,851 pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Both reports have been documented and posted. View Documented Decisions. |
Phillippines 2016-02
We shared the Gospel in the public schools in Marikina City and Pasig City public schools, February 8 to February 19, 2016. We first present the Gospel, then teach it to the students, then ask for a commitment to Christ and have a prayer for salvation. We do an immediate follow-up and close with a strong confession of faith in Christ; see our School Evangelism videos. On this visit, we had 107,454 pray to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. View Documented Decisions.
India 2015-11
Significant ministry was conducted during a multi-purpose visit to India during November 2015. I preached in a relatively young church in New Delhi. The message was brand new on the Gift of No Condemnation. During the invitation 20 people came forward and accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and
Lord. We also visited with pastors in the small town of Muru, Jharkhand with the goal of starting evangelical work there and in Jhalda. There is no church in Jhalda and we are burdened to start one there. View Documented Decisions. |
South Africa 2015-09
We ministered in Cape Town from August 27 to September 5, 2015 and in Durban from September 5 to September 18, 2015. Our main partners in South Africa are the Angelus Mission Church and Scripture Union KZN Durban. We were blessed to see 8268 people pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in the public schools with additional people receiving the Lord in the churches where we ministered. A light schedule in the public schools was more than made-up by my recording 29 messages, each about 30 minutes, at a local radio station, GNCR, in Durban. The radio station had started airing these messages during my visit and would continue doing so. Some of these messages are posted on our web site and can be heard free of cost. Praise God! View Documented Decisions.
Philippines 2015-06
We shared the Gospel in public schools in Las Pinas and Pasay City in the Metro Manila region during June 22 to July 3, 2015. We were trusting the Lord to see 100,000 people pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The Lord did exceedingly abundantly! We saw 101,106 pray to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We praise God and give Him all the glory and rejoice in His goodness. We are blessed with a wonderful team in Manila that is led by five local senior pastors. View Documented Decisions.
Other Mission Trips 2015
Other mission trips were made in 2015 including to areas that are sensitive and therefore no details can be provided. We give our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ all the glory!
Colombia 2014-10
This trip was devoted to conducting professional seminars and sharing the Gospel with the professors, staff, and students of Fundacion Universitariea Del Area Andina in Bogota, Columbia during October 2-3, 2014. Local business leaders were also invited. The Gospel was shared and an invitation to accept the Lord Jesus Christ was given during each seminar. We praise God that 862 people prayed to commit their lives to Christ. The university paid for Dr. Malhotra’s travel and lodging expenses.
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India 2014-08
On a weekend visit to India from Singapore, Dr. Malhotra preached in the New Life Church Sunday Service on August 3, 2014. 35 people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. A miracle in New Life Church.
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Kenya 2014-03
We shared the Gospel at schools in Mukurakwa slum, Mathare slum, and other parts of Nairobi during March 3 to March 14, 2014. The ministry was conducted with our partner organizations: Scripture Union, Kenya Student Christian Fellowship, Source of Light, East Africa, One Hope, and the Gideons. We were blessed to 58,075 pray to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
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Kenya 2014-02
We shared the Gospel in Kibera slums and other parts of Nairobi, Kenya from February 2 to 14, 2014. Kibera is the LARGEST slum in Africa and the fifth largest slum in the world. We had 44,130 decisions for Christ. Praise God! As one school principal said, “you have given hope to those who had no hope.” That is the power of the Gospel.
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Philippines 2014-06
Our focus was sharing the Gospel in public schools in the Metro Manila area during June 30 to July 4, 2014. The Lord did exceedingly abundantly! We saw 59,352 pray to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The Lord also exceeded our goal of seeing more than one million people praying to receive Christ in Metro Manila and surrounding areas. We rejoice in God’s goodness.
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South Africa 2014-10
Dr. Malhotra was a featured speaker in a Missions Conference organized by the churches in Port Elizabeth. He also preached in churches in Durban and Port Elizabeth. We shared the Gospel in public schools in Durban working with Scripture Union. Personal evangelism was conducted in Johannesburg. We documented 12,564 decisions for Christ.
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South Africa 2014-05
Ground work was laid for starting school evangelism in South Africa. While ministry was conducted in Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth, the main focus was on Durban. Dr. Malhotra shared the Gospel in public schools, Liv-Village, and the William Carey School of World Mission. In some schools we were not allowed to give an invitation. Yet, we were blessed to see 2,609 pray to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord! He is the Lord, indeed!
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Prayer of Salvation
To obtain salvation pray the prayer that follows. If you have any doubt what so ever about your salvation, then that is a strong indication that you should pray this prayer.
“Dear Lord Jesus. I confess to you that I am a sinner. I believe Lord Jesus that you are the Son of God. You love me. You died on the cross for me. You paid the penalty and bore the punishment for all my sins by your blood and by your death on the cross for me. Lord Jesus, you arose from the dead and now you live forever. Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sins; I repent. I accept your forgiveness and your love. I accept you Lord Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord.
Lord Jesus, I give my life to you. From now on, I will follow you.
Thank you Father God in heaven that now I am a child of God because I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior and as my Lord. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen!”
We have used this prayer to lead more than 1.5 million people to salvation. If you are not
completely sure of your relationship to God, I urge you to pray this prayer right now.
“Dear Lord Jesus. I confess to you that I am a sinner. I believe Lord Jesus that you are the Son of God. You love me. You died on the cross for me. You paid the penalty and bore the punishment for all my sins by your blood and by your death on the cross for me. Lord Jesus, you arose from the dead and now you live forever. Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sins; I repent. I accept your forgiveness and your love. I accept you Lord Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord.
Lord Jesus, I give my life to you. From now on, I will follow you.
Thank you Father God in heaven that now I am a child of God because I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior and as my Lord. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen!”
We have used this prayer to lead more than 1.5 million people to salvation. If you are not
completely sure of your relationship to God, I urge you to pray this prayer right now.
Featured Ministry Partner
Rev. Jimpet John Fortich heads the Global Evangelistic Ministries’ (GEM) efforts in the Philippines. He is the Chairman of the Board of Pinoy Movement for Moral Excellence, an organization founded by GEM and registered in the Philippines. He is also the Senior Pastor of Crossed Over Christian Church in Pasig City, Philippines. He is a great leader, motivator, and has a passion for proclaiming the Gospel and reaching out to children and teachers in the public schools. He is married to Maribelle for more than 25 years. They are blessed with three children.